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Results for "author_first: "Robert", author_last: "Frager""
Fasting of the Heart A practice for keeping God in your heart.
Remembering Death A practice to help us keep a balanced perspective on life.
The Wisdom of Islam Robert Frager's teaching story on the fifth level of the sense of self, or nafs in the Sufi tradition.
Sufi Talks Robert Frager on using the phrase "Only God Knows" as a firewall against the ego.
Who Am I? Robert Frager on how all typologies can be potentially useful tools.
Essential Sufism A Sufi perspective on death as an opportunity to reawaken and recover the truth of who we are.
Heart, Self, and Soul Robert Frager on the Sufi practice of adab, or behaving well.
Fasting of the Tongue A chance to refrain from hurtful language.
Essential Sufism A collection of gems of wisdom from the mystical branch of Islam.
Heart, Self, and Soul Rich material on Sufism as a practical mysticism for the modern world.